VI Peels Advance NC

Find top doctors who perform VI Peels in Advance, NC. Whether you’re seeking treatment or looking to schedule a preventative screening, we can connect you with the best dermatologists near you in Advance, NC.

Local Businesses

Hess, Suzanne P – Davie Dermatology

(336) 940-2407
108 Dornach Way
Advance, NC 27006

Bryson, Tracie

108 Dornach Way
Advance, NC 27006

Tracie Ciocan Bryson

121 Medical Dr
Advance, NC 27006

Barham-Baird, Kelly

108 Dornach Way
Advance, NC 27006

Davie Dermatology Pa

(336) 940-2407
108 Dornach Way
Advance, NC 27006

Suzanne Powell Hess

121 Medical Dr
Advance, NC 27006

Tracie Bryson

(336) 940-2407
121 Medical Dr, Davie Dermatology
Advance, NC 27006

Macdonell Stuart

(336) 940-2407
121 Medical Dr
Advance, NC 27006

Hess, Suzanna

108 Dornach Way
Advance, NC 27006

Davie Dermatology

(336) 940-2407
121 Medical Dr
Advance, NC 27006

Davie Dermatology P.A.

(336) 940-2407
121 Medical Drive
Advance, NC 27006

Suzanne Hess

(336) 940-2407
121 Medical Dr
Advance, NC 27006

VI Peels FAQ in Advance, NC

Does VI Peel stimulate collagen?

In addition to removing the damaged, top layer of skin, the VI Peel® also stimulates the natural production of collagen and elastin – two substances which are vital for healthy skin growth.

What are the pros and cons of chemical peels?

A chemical peel can visibly improve your skin by improving skin texture, tone and reducing the appearance of wrinkles. However, it also presents side-effects that you should be wary of. This can include redness, scarring, and possibly infection.

Which is better chemical peel or Botox?

Chemical peels are also popular and they can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, just not as well as BOTOX. The benefit of chemical peels over BOTOX is their ability to lighten scars and even skin tone. Chemical peels involve applying an acid solution to the face.

What should I avoid before VI peel?

Don’t exfoliate. Since a chemical peel is an in-depth exfoliation, it’s important that you don’t exfoliate for at least 1 week before your appointment. Refrain from using make-up. Avoid the sun. Stay hydrated.

Who is a good candidate for VI Peel?

Are You an Ideal Candidate for VI Peel? You may be a good candidate for VI Peel treatment if you have fair to medium skin tone and need to reverse the early signs of aging, heal acne, and improve mild to moderate cases of skin damage. VI Peel may result in hyperpigmentation in people who have a darker skin color.

How many sittings are required for chemical peel?

3-4 sittings done at 2-3 weeks interval. It helps in skin rejuvenation and revitalization.

What happens if you don’t peel after a chemical peel?

Chemical peel not peeling at home following treatment? No worries! It doesn’t mean the peel’s not working. In fact, the healing process will vary from person to person and day to day.

Why you shouldn’t get a chemical peel?

A chemical peel can lead to a bacterial, fungal or viral infection, such as a flare-up of the herpes virus — the virus that causes cold sores. Heart, kidney or liver damage. A deep chemical peel uses carbolic acid (phenol), which can damage heart muscle and cause the heart to beat irregularly.

Will my face be red after a VI Peel?

You are likely to experience some mild redness, skin flaking, and irritation from a light chemical peel for a few days. Recovery is rapid, and after repeated treatments, these side effects will likely subside.

What happens the day after VI Peel?

Patients can expect pain, redness, irritation, and flaking for about one week. Skin begins to peel after three days and continues to day seven. Normal activities can be resumed, but sun exposure and exercise should be avoided.

How long is your face red after a VI Peel?

After the peel you will experience mild to moderate peeling and redness on your journey to revealing fresh, glowing skin. Redness typically lasts 2 days. Peeling typically begins 24-48 hours after application and may last for up to a week.