Cosmetic Dermatologist West Harrison NY

Find cosmetic dermatologists in West Harrison, NY. Whether you’re seeking treatment or looking to schedule a preventative screening, we can connect you with the best dermatologists near you in West Harrison, NY.

Local Businesses

Robert Bernard

(914) 761-8667
440 Mamaroneck Avenue
Harrison, NY 10528

Samuel Beran

(914) 761-8667
440 Mamaroneck Avenue Suite 412
Harrison, NY 10528

Daniel Morello

(914) 761-8667
440 Mamaroneck Avenue
Harrison, NY 10528

Joshua Greenwald

(914) 421-0113
440 Mamaroneck Avenue Suite 412
Harrison, NY 10528

Frank Vincent Mignogna

15 Archer Rd
Harrison, NY 10528

Richard Garvey

(914) 771-7373
500 Mamaroneck Avenue Suite 211
Harrison, NY 10528

Christian Guzman

(914) 997-8869
440 Mamaroneck Avenue Suite 412
Harrison, NY 10528

Cosmetic Dermatologist FAQ in West Harrison, NY

Is it better to get fillers from a dermatologist?

You want a doctor that is trained AND EXPERIENCED in doing fillers and botox. For the most part, expert cosmetic dermatologists are going to have more hands on experience with fillers – because the plastic guys are in doing big plastic procedures.

How can a dermatologist make a lot of money?

Dermatologists have an option to join a group practice. Those in a multi-specialty practice earn less than those who join a single-specialty group practice. Of course, the best choice is either to own your practice or become a partner in one. These practices can provide the highest pay for a dermatologist.

How I cleared my hormonal acne?

Dr. Geddes-Bruce’s top tips for hormonal acne include always cleansing your face before bed, keeping a consistent, tailored skincare regimen, and avoiding picking. If you’re still having trouble with hormonal breakouts, you can also consider a trial of avoiding dairy and high glycemic foods.

Is dermatology a stressful job?

Dermatology is a stressful field compared to the life of a musician, for example (a successful one who isn’t constantly starving); however, most are able to keep regular hours. At the very least, you won’t have to run to the hospital every night to perform an emergency mole removal.

What is the #1 best treatment for acne?

Usually the first choice for treating acne is a tetracycline (minocycline, doxycycline) or a macrolide (erythromycin, azithromycin). A macrolide might be an option for people who can’t take tetracyclines, including pregnant women and children under 8 years old.

Do Dermatologists have to pop pimples?

Dermatologists generally do not recommend that people try to pop or extract their acne. In many cases, a dermatologist can prescribe oral or topical treatments to help prevent acne. They may also perform pimple extractions in office or administer a cortisone shot to shrink a large pimple.

What happens the first time you go to the dermatologist?

You’ll be asked about your medical and surgical history, medications, health problems, etc. To your dermatologist, the answers are all relevant, even issues that aren’t directly related to your skin. “If it’s your first visit, your dermatologist will most likely do a full body exam,” Dr. Kaporis said.

Should I go to a doctor or dermatologist?

“You should definitely see your primary care provider first for simple, common skin problems,” says Dr. Fernandez. “That’s the best place to start.” Anything with a systemic component, or something that affects a significant percentage of the body, should be seen by a dermatologist to get an answer quickly.

What is the most effective cosmetic procedure?

Dermabrasion. Dermabrasion is a procedure performed by your dermatologist or a licensed professional. Microdermabrasion. Microdermabrasion is a less intense version of a dermabrasion. Laser Resurfacing. Dermal Fillers. Botox. Chemical Peels.

What are the disadvantages of being a dermatologist?

Repetitive work It’s possible many of your appointments may focus on the same problems. Because conditions like acne and hair loss are common, you might make the same diagnoses and offer similar treatments to many of your patients.

Do dermatologists look at your whole body?

A dermatologist will check your skin from head to toe, making note of any spots that need monitoring or further treatment. Many dermatologists will use a lighted magnifier called a dermatoscope to view moles and spots closely.