Baby & Infant Skin Specialists Hanover NH

Find Baby & Infant Skin Specialists in Hanover, NH. Whether you’re seeking treatment or looking to schedule a preventative screening, we can connect you with the best dermatologists near you in Hanover, NH.

Local Businesses

H Kern Wisner Facs

126 Lyme Rd
Hanover, NH 03755

Daniel Wolfe Collison

63 S Main St
Hanover, NH 03755

Daniel Wolfe Collison

(603) 643-7733
63 S Main St – Lower Level
Hanover, NH 03755

Frederic Rueckert

18 Berrill Farms Ln
Hanover, NH 03755

Frederic Rueckert Facs

18 Berrill Farms Ln
Hanover, NH 03755

Baby & Infant Skin Specialists FAQ in Hanover, NH

Who can diagnose a skin condition?

Dermatologists study pathology slides to ensure an accurate diagnosis, which is key to developing an effective treatment plan. Note: This content was created prior to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and does not demonstrate proper pandemic protocols.

What deficiency causes uneven skin tone?

Vitamin deficiency – A deficiency in calcium, iron, Vitamin A, E, or B complex can all lead to uneven skin tone.

What is asteatotic dermatitis?

Asteatotic eczema, also known as eczema craquelé, is a common type of pruritic dermatitis. It can also be known as xerosis, which is dry skin. It characterized by dry, cracked, and scaling skin that is typically inflamed.

What is the difference between eczema and seborrhea?

Eczema is caused either by an allergy or hypersensitive skin, and seborrheic dermatitis by a fungus.

When should I take my baby to a dermatologist?

The three most common reasons you may be asking, “Should my baby see a dermatologist” are skin abnormalities, allergic reactions, and acne (yes, babies can get acne too). Skin abnormalities can include cradle cap, a large or abnormal birthmark, eczema, and warts.

What are the 7 skin types?

Normal Skin. This skin is neither too dry nor too oily. Sensitive Skin. Sensitive skin is more prone to react to stimuli to which normal skin has no reaction. Dry Skin. Oily Skin. Combination Skin. Scaly Skin. Red Spots. Skin Moles.

What vitamin helps even skin tone?

Vitamin C. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that can help protect you against free radical damage, which is often the cause of tissue damage and an uneven skin tone.

What is primrose syndrome?

Primrose syndrome is a rare disorder characterized by macrocephaly with developmental delay, intellectual disability, behavioral issues, a recognizable facial phenotype, altered glucose metabolism, hearing loss, ocular anomalies, cryptorchidism, and unique imaging findings including calcification of the ear cartilage [ …

What causes baby skin problems?

Skin conditions in babies and kids may include rashes, hives, warts, acne, birthmarks and more. These conditions may be caused by dermatitis, viral infections, bacterial infections, fungal infections or other diseases. Treatment varies from anti-itch creams to pain relievers to antibiotics, depending on the condition.

What are three of the most common age related skin issues?

However, we do know that two studies of health records for large groups of older adults show that the most common skin diseases in older people are eczema, skin infections, and pruritus (severely dry and itchy skin).

Is it normal for babies to have skin problems?

It’s quite common for baby to experience a few different skin issues in their first few months of life.