Birthmark Treatments Amityville NY

Find top doctors who perform Birthmark Treatments in Amityville, NY. Whether you’re seeking treatment or looking to schedule a preventative screening, we can connect you with the best dermatologists near you in Amityville, NY.

Local Businesses

Seth Kaufman

(516) 678-4451
365 Broadway
Amityville, NY 11708

Humayun Waheed

(516) 678-4451
365 Broadway
Amityville, NY 11708

Cerveny, Kenneth

358 Merrick Rd
Amityville, NY 11701

Martin P Sherman

568 Broadway # 193
Amityville, NY 11701

Luis Alberto Palma

333 Broadway
Amityville, NY 11701

Elizabeth Roya Emami

73 Avon Pl
Amityville, NY 11701

Eduardo D Rodriguez

366 Broadway
Amityville, NY 11701

Luis Palma

(631) 789-5656
333 Broadway – # 4
Amityville, NY 11708

Martin Paul Sherman

(631) 598-2211
193 Broadway
Amityville, NY 11701

Birthmark Treatments FAQ in Amityville, NY

Can a brown birthmark be removed?

Some birthmarks are suitable for surgical excision, which will completely remove the birthmark but will leave a scar. If you are interested in surgical treatment you will need to see a plastic surgeon. Your GP may be able to advise you further. Some birthmarks are suitable for laser treatment to fade the brown pigment.

Is Vitamin E good for scars?

Anecdotal reports claim that vitamin E speeds wound healing and improves the cosmetic outcome of burns and other wounds. Many lay people use vitamin E on a regular basis to improve the outcome of scars and several physicians recommend topical vitamin E after skin surgery or resurfacing.

What are the 4 types of birthmarks?

Macular stains. Also called salmon patches, angel kisses, or stork bites, these faint red marks are the most common type of vascular birthmark. Hemangiomas. Port-wine stains. Café-au-lait spots. Mongolian spots. Moles (congenital nevi, hairy nevus).

What is a royal birthmark?

9 According to Bloch, belief in the royal birthmark—a mysterious mark on sovereigns’ bodies indicating their royal status—was “one of the most lively superstitions in the Middle Ages,” which gives “a deep insight into the popular mind.”10 It provides evidence of the concept of the sacred and miraculous nature of …

How painful is birthmark removal?

Recovery from birthmark removal treatments is an easy process, with minimal downtime and very little to no pain. Patients can expect to return to work and other normal activities the next day after having the procedure.

How can I flatten my birthmark?

Shaving or surgery physically removes the birthmark, whereas lasers shrink blood vessels to make vascular birthmarks less visible. Medication is also used to shrink certain birthmarks, like some hemangiomas.

Should birthmarks be removed?

Many birthmarks do not require surgical intervention and either shrink and fade on their own or respond well to medication or laser therapy. However, our dermatologists may recommend surgery for some types of birthmarks.

How can I remove birthmarks naturally?

Natural birthmark removal methods Dab a few drops of lemon juice on the birthmark, leave it for at least 20 minutes, wash it off with warm water and then dry your skin off with a clean towel. Repeat this process at least three times a day until the birthmark has faded.

Are brown birthmarks permanent?

Most birthmarks are permanent, but a few types fade as a child grows. Birthmarks are common and usually harmless. But some may require treatment for cosmetic reasons or because of rapid growth. Still others may be a sign of an underlying disease.

Can I laser my birthmark?

Laser is used to treat skin birthmarks, such as brown/black spots and vascular lesions (pink or red marks caused by abnormal blood vessels). Vascular lesions include port wine stains and haemangiomas (strawberry naevus).

Can laser treatment remove birthmarks?

Birthmarks Laser Removal – This kind of treatment process is most suitable for vascular birthmarks, and a pulsed dye laser is used to destroy the blood vessels causing the mark/blemish. Birthmark Laser removal can also be used for pigmented birthmarks to get rid of all the excess melanin pigment in the cells.

Where are birthmarks most common?

They are found most commonly on the torso, buttocks, and legs. Café-au-lait spots do not go away, may increase in number, and generally do not require treatment. A single café-au-lait spot is not a sign of a health problem.

Is it rare to have a brown birthmark?

Café-au-lait spots are named for their light brown color: “Café-au-lait” means “coffee with milk” in French. Although some are present at birth, most café-au-lait spots appear well after a child is born. They are relatively common—as many as 30 percent of children have a café-au-lait birthmark by age 6.

Can a birthmark be removed completely?

Your birthmark can be removed by performing minor surgery. It can be done for very deep hemangiomas that might damage your healthy tissues. It is usually an outpatient treatment and may even be done in your dermatologist’s office rather than a hospital.