Birthmark Treatments Tamc HI

Find top doctors who perform Birthmark Treatments in Tamc, HI. Whether you’re seeking treatment or looking to schedule a preventative screening, we can connect you with the best dermatologists near you in Tamc, HI.

Local Businesses

Jeff T Healy

1 Jarrett White Rd
Tamc, HI 96859

Lawrence Peter Burgess


Tamc, HI 96859

Glenn Todd Bessinger

1 Jarrett White Rd
Tamc, HI 96859

Bessinger, Glenn T – Tripler Army Medical Ctr

(808) 433-5716
1 Jarrett White Rd
Tamc, HI 96859

Diane Marie Atwood

1 Jarrett White Rd
Tamc, HI 96859

Birthmark Treatments FAQ in Tamc, HI

Can you lighten brown birthmarks?

Laser treatment uses highly focused beams of light to reduce the size and lessen the color of birthmarks. This includes red birthmarks, such as strawberry hemangiomas and port wine stains; brown birthmarks, such as café au lait spots; and blue birthmarks, such as facial dermal melanocytosis.

What kind of birthmarks go away?

Most dermal melanocytosis birthmarks, which used to be called Mongolian spots, gradually fade. Many disappear by the toddler years. The majority of them are harmless and do not need treatment. In rare cases, these birthmarks may be associated with genetic conditions.

Why are birthmarks called?

Birthmarks get their name for one simple reason: They are marks that are present on the skin of a lot of newborn babies! A baby can develop birthmarks either before being born or soon after birth. One of the most common types of birthmarks is called a hemangioma (say: he-man-jee-OH-muh).

What is a beauty mark vs birthmark?

Moles and birthmarks are not necessarily one in the same, but they can be easily confused as a mole can be present at birth. Some doctors do consider a mole as a “beauty mark” as it is a pigmentated area. However, birthmarks are flat and located on the surface of the skin, while a mole will protrude above the skin.

How do you cover up brown birthmarks?

Camouflage make-up can be used to conceal many birthmarks, whether on a daily basis or for that special occasion. There are a variety of products available with many high street make-up brands produce complete cover foundations; however there are also companies specialising in skin camouflage.

Can I remove birthmark without surgery?

Yes. Most types of birthmarks can be removed with laser treatments. The laser used depends upon the type and colour of the birthmark being removed. In some rare cases and depending on the size, surgical excision might be necessary to remove a birthmark.

Do birthmarks get worse?

Most birthmarks are not serious, and some go away on their own. Some stay the same or get worse as you get older. Usually birthmarks are only a concern for your appearance. But certain types can increase your risk of skin cancer.

Are birthmarks a disability?

Although there is no further explanation on what qualifies as a “severe disfigurement”, large birthmarks are widely considered to fall into this definition, especially if they are located in a visible area.

What is the difference between a mole and a birthmark?

Moles are growths on the skin that are usually brown or black; they may be located, alone or in groups, anywhere on the body. A birthmark is a colored mark that appears soon after a baby’s birth.

What happens if you cut off a birthmark?

Shaving or cutting your mole can disfigure your skin and leave a scar if done improperly. Removing a mole without sterile equipment in a nonsurgical condition may lead to infection. If your mole is cancerous, the cells can remain in the skin and spread.

Can I tattoo over birthmark?

In short, the answer to your question is yes — you can get a tattoo over a birthmark. There are tattoo artists all over the country who will willingly allow you to put a tattoo over any part of your body, no matter the issues it may cause down the road.