Birthmark Treatments West Alexandria OH

Find top doctors who perform Birthmark Treatments in West Alexandria, OH. Whether you’re seeking treatment or looking to schedule a preventative screening, we can connect you with the best dermatologists near you in West Alexandria, OH.

Local Businesses

Wolf, Raymond Do – Dr Wolf’S Rejuvenation Center

(937) 839-4681
1 Marty Ln
West Alexandria, OH 45381

Stuart, Tina – Rejuvenation Center

(937) 839-4681
1 Marty Ln
West Alexandria, OH 45381

Daulton, Dee – Western Ohio Venous Spec

(937) 839-4681
1 Marty Ln
West Alexandria, OH 45381

Wolf, Raymond D Do – Western Ohio Venous Spec

(937) 839-4681
1 Marty Ln
West Alexandria, OH 45381

Roland Orville Wolf

1 Marty Ln
West Alexandria, OH 45381

Dr Wolfs Rejuvenation Station

1 Marty Lane
West Alexandria, OH 45381

Birthmark Treatments FAQ in West Alexandria, OH

Do birthmarks return after laser?

Keep in mind that laser treatments may not get rid of the birthmark entirely (though some birthmarks disappear completely after treatment). Plus, over time the birthmark may come back and need to be retreated.

Are birthmarks a disability?

Although there is no further explanation on what qualifies as a “severe disfigurement”, large birthmarks are widely considered to fall into this definition, especially if they are located in a visible area.

Can I laser my birthmark?

Laser is used to treat skin birthmarks, such as brown/black spots and vascular lesions (pink or red marks caused by abnormal blood vessels). Vascular lesions include port wine stains and haemangiomas (strawberry naevus).

Can birthmarks turn cancerous?

Most birthmarks, such as the common port wine stains and strawberry marks, carry no risk of developing into a cancer. But a very rare type, called a giant congenital melanocytic naevus, can develop into a melanoma if it is larger than 20cm.

Does aloe vera remove dark spots?

Aloe vera can help to fade dark spots “A compound called aloesin, found in the aloe vera plant, could help to fade dark spots,” Dr. Frieling says. “According to one study, when applied four times per day for 15 days, aloesin was found to be effective in treating UV-induced and post-acne hyperpigmentation.”

Do birthmarks come from parents?

Hereditary – Some people have birthmarks due to their genes. For example, a child may have the same type of birthmark as a father, mother, grandparent, aunt, or uncle. In some cases, the birthmark appears in the exact same spot as the relative!

Should you remove birthmarks?

Reasons for Birthmark Removal Most birthmarks do not pose serious health risks or require treatment. Many fade with time and only require observation. However, parents of infants and children with birthmarks can have great concern, especially when the birthmark is very large or in a visible location.

Is there a cream to remove birthmarks?

Timolol. Another medication that can shrink a birthmark, such as a hemangioma, is Timolol. Unlike propranolol, it is applied topically to the birthmark.

Is Colgate good for dark spots?

Colgate can get rid of pimples and dark spots Colgate can also help to clear any dark spots you might have. By doing the same thing, the Colgate will help to whiten those pesky marks.

Are brown birthmarks permanent?

Most birthmarks are permanent, but a few types fade as a child grows. Birthmarks are common and usually harmless. But some may require treatment for cosmetic reasons or because of rapid growth. Still others may be a sign of an underlying disease.

Can you shave birthmarks?

A shave excision treatment is used to permanently remove moles and birthmarks from the skin. Shave biopsies and punch biopsies are also used by dermatologists to evaluate skin lesions for skin cancer.

Can birthmark be removed permanently?

Your birthmark can be removed by performing minor surgery. It can be done for very deep hemangiomas that might damage your healthy tissues. It is usually an outpatient treatment and may even be done in your dermatologist’s office rather than a hospital.

Is laser birthmark removal painful?

The pain of the laser is similar to small flicks on the skin with a rubber band. Most adults can tolerate this, but children may find it more difficult and require some anaesthetic cream or mild sedation. See our fact sheet Sedation for procedures.