Ear Piercings Janesville WI

Find top doctors who perform Ear Piercings in Janesville, WI. Whether you’re seeking treatment or looking to schedule a preventative screening, we can connect you with the best dermatologists near you in Janesville, WI.

Local Businesses

Bruce Pearson

(608) 755-3672
Po Box 551
Janesville, WI 53545

Kristi Knuijt

(608) 255-3630
580 N Washington St
Janesville, WI 53545

Jeanne Marie Godar

3524 E Milwaukee St
Janesville, WI 53546

Godar, Jeanne M – Mercy Clinic East-Audiology

(608) 756-7129
3524 E Milwaukee St
Janesville, WI 53546

Bruce R Pearson

(608) 755-3500
580 N Washington St – Dean Medical Center
Janesville, WI 53548

Mercy Regional Plastic Surgery

(608) 756-6300
323 S Minnesota St
Janesville, WI 53545

Knuijt, Kristi E – Dean Riverview Clinic

(608) 755-3530
580 N Washington St
Janesville, WI 53548

Center For Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

323 S Minnesota St
Janesville, WI 53548

Kienbaum, Barb – Dean Riverview Clinic

(608) 755-3530
306 N Mill St
Janesville, WI 53545

Kristi Knuijt

(608) 755-3530
Po Box 551
Janesville, WI 53547

Wang Jining

(608) 755-3530
580 N Washington St
Janesville, WI 53548

Bruce Reuel Pearson

Po Box 551
Janesville, WI 53547

Mercy Regional Plastic Surgery

(608) 756-6300
1428 Central Ave Ne
Janesville, WI 53548

Jeanne Godar

(608) 756-7129
3524 E Milwaukee St
Janesville, WI 53545

Lyon, Steven L – Lyon Steven L

(608) 755-3528
306 N Mill St
Janesville, WI 53545

Behrs, Theresa – Behrs Theresa

(608) 755-3530
580 N Washington St
Janesville, WI 53548

Gerzenshtein, Jacob – Mercy Regional Plastic Surgery

(608) 756-6300
Bridges Medical Services201 9Th St W
Janesville, WI 53545

Jacob Gerzenshtein

(608) 756-6300
Mercy Hospital Janesville Department Of Plastic Surgery
Janesville, WI 53548

Lyon Steven L

(608) 755-3528
1428 Central Ave Ne
Janesville, WI 53548

William Allen Wood

1000 Mineral Point Ave
Janesville, WI 53548

Ear Piercings FAQ in Janesville, WI

How do you shower with a new piercing?

Showering: Shower like you normally do; the last thing you will do while in the shower is clean your piercing. Lather up some mild, fragrance free, non-antibacterial soap in your hands and gently wash your piercing. You want enough friction to clean the piercing, but not so much that you cause trauma to it.

What piercings do guys find hot?

The most attractive spot for a piercing is the belly button. The least attractive is a tie between the nose and the nether regions.

How do I protect my ear piercing when washing my hair?

Flip your hair to the opposite side of your head so you can avoid getting an excessive amount of water or any product in the wound. Make sure you stay in this position until you’ve completely rinsed the product out of your hair before gently patting your ear dry.

When can I sleep on my earlobe piercing?

The general rule of thumb is to avoid sleeping in earrings, with one exception: when you get a new piercing. You’ll need to keep these small studs in for 6 weeks or longer, or until your piercer gives you the OK.

What is the best ear piercing to get?

Lobe is the most popular piercing and the first piercing most people get. As the lobe is the softest part of the ear and doesn’t have any cartilage, it’s the easiest part to pierce and is the least painful. The standard lobe piercing simply goes through the front to the back of the lobe.

What is the most uncommon ear piercing?

A snug piercing, also known as the anti-helix, is a horizontal piercing through the inner ridge of your cartilage. Because it’s one of the most painful piercing types, it’s one of the rarest ear piercings.

Which month is best for piercing?

However, less blood flow also means less possibility of swelling, so you may want to schedule your piercing for winter. If you play summer sports, or hit the pool frequently during summer, it might be better for you to get your piercing in winter to give it enough time to heal and ready to show it off in summer!

Can you bring your own earrings to get pierced?

In short, yes—you can bring your own jewelry to a piercing shop. However, we recommend that you only do so if the jewelry is made from high-quality materials such as surgical steel, titanium, or gold.

What piercings dont reject?

By comparison, a non-surface piercing such as an earlobe, ear cartilage, lip or tongue do not reject as they pierce all the way through from one side to the other.

How do you prepare for an ear piercing?

Choose the Location That’s Right for You. Know What Ear Piercing Equipment is Being Used. Choose the Right Earring. Make Sure Your Piercer Has Been Trained Properly. Safe Healing.

Why do you feel faint after a piercing?

If you have no underlying health conditions, fainting during a piercing or tattoo is usually caused by something called Vasovagal or ‘reflex’ Syncope. This is a reflex reaction to trauma, pain, or any other distress, and is responsible for over 50% of fainting episodes!

What piercings should beginners get?

Earlobe. Odds are you may even already have this and you’re looking for your first non-earlobe piercing. Helix. While popular among teens, the helix is sometimes forgotten about. Nose. Tragus. Auricle. Double lobe. Daith. Conch.

What is the least noticeable piercing?

Cartilage piercings like daith, conch, and helix piercings are especially easy to hide. Facial hair is another great way to hide piercings. A beard is an easy way to hide labret and medusa piercings. Smaller, less vibrant pieces are harder to spot.