Ear Piercings Johnson AR

Find top doctors who perform Ear Piercings in Johnson, AR. Whether you’re seeking treatment or looking to schedule a preventative screening, we can connect you with the best dermatologists near you in Johnson, AR.

Local Businesses

Robert Taylor

(479) 521-1500
P.O. Box 524
Johnson, AR 72741

Robert Taylor

(888) 783-8346
7777 Forest Lane Suite C-612
Johnson, AR 72741

Crouch, Allen – Taylor Plastic Surgery Inst

(479) 521-1500
12880 Hillcrest Road J107
Johnson, AR 72741

Taylor, Robert G – Taylor Plastic Surgery Inst

(479) 521-1500
7777 Forest Ln Ste B145
Johnson, AR 72741

Robert G Taylor

Po Box 524
Johnson, AR 72741

Ear Piercings FAQ in Johnson, AR

What piercing should you not get?

“The most dangerous piercings are the ones that involve cartilage, like higher ear piercings,” says Tracy Burton, a pediatric nurse practitioner in Ontario. “These piercings are associated with poor healing because of the limited blood supply to the area.

What piercings heal the fastest?

Tongue piercings have the fastest healing duration of all piercings at only two weeks before you can downsize the bar. Lower lip piercings have a minimum of 6-8 weeks, while upper lip piercings (such as madonna or monroe piercings) take around 8 weeks.

What not to do before a piercing?

Don’t arrive drug or alcohol affected. Wear clean, comfortable clothing that is suitable for the piercing e.g know that if you wear a dress for a nipple piercing appointment – it will be coming off! If you want to – arrange for a supportive friend to go with you.

Should ear piercing hurts after 3 days?

Signs of an infection It is important to note that your piercing may be tender or painful for up to 3-5 days after the procedure was performed. This is normal. Sleeping directly on your ears or side may prolong the tenderness due to the pressure on the piercing site.

What foods should you avoid after ear piercing?

Don’t eat spicy, salty or acidy foods or liquids while you are healing. Avoid hot drinks such as hot chocolate, coffee, and tea. Eat cold foods and drinks as they lessen swelling. Be extra careful when eating crunchy foods.

What should I eat on the day of my piercing?

Soft, bland foods — like applesauce and yogurt — are preferred. French kissing and oral sex are off-limits during this time. You can do a salt rinse to help minimize any pain and swelling. Ready-made rinses may be available for purchase from your piercer, or you can make your own at home.

When can I sleep on my earlobe piercing?

The general rule of thumb is to avoid sleeping in earrings, with one exception: when you get a new piercing. You’ll need to keep these small studs in for 6 weeks or longer, or until your piercer gives you the OK.

What does a healing piercing look like?

Discoloration (redness) and itching during healing process are also fairly common. Secretion of a whitish-yellow fluid (not pus) is part of the healing process and is to be expected. It is liquid when it leaves the body but dries into “crusties.” Piercings will go through “ups and downs” while healing.

Where is the safest place to get your ears pierced?

Although most mall kiosks disinfect their tools, you can’t actually sterilize a piercing gun because they are made of plastic. Piercing guns are also less exact and can damage your earlobe. It might seem intimating, but best place to get your ears pierced is actually a tattoo parlor.

Why do you feel faint after a piercing?

If you have no underlying health conditions, fainting during a piercing or tattoo is usually caused by something called Vasovagal or ‘reflex’ Syncope. This is a reflex reaction to trauma, pain, or any other distress, and is responsible for over 50% of fainting episodes!