Foot Care Specialists Riverside IL

Find Foot Care Specialists in Riverside, IL. Whether you’re seeking treatment or looking to schedule a preventative screening, we can connect you with the best dermatologists near you in Riverside, IL.

Local Businesses

Arnold More Peck

28 E Burlington St
Riverside, IL 60546

Sophia E Welykyj

3722 Harlem Ave
Riverside, IL 60546

Beumer, Marilyn – Comprehensive Cosmetic Care

(708) 447-2288
3635 Vista Ave
Riverside, IL 60546

Welykyj, Sophia – Gunnar Medical Group

(708) 783-2970
7234 Ogden Ave, #1S
Riverside, IL 60546

Sophia E Welykyj

(708) 783-2970
7234 W Ogden Avenue – Suite 1s
Riverside, IL 60546

Comprehensive Cosmetic Care

(708) 447-2288
3655 Vista Avenue
Riverside, IL 60546

Hatem A E Galal M D S C

660 South Euclid Campus Box 8238
Riverside, IL 60546

Foot Care Specialists FAQ in Riverside, IL

How do I know if my foot pain is serious?

Have severe pain or swelling. Have an open wound or a wound that is oozing pus. Have signs of infection, such as redness, warmth and tenderness in the affected area or you have a fever over 100 F (37.8 C) Are unable to walk or put weight on your foot.

Is pain in foot related to heart?

When the heart’s pumping is strained by something like peripheral arterial disease, it reduces the flow of blood to your feet, making them hurt or making them swollen. When the feet do not get the oxygen they need from properly pumped blood, serious health problems arise.

Can feet indicate health problems?

“Although often overlooked, your feet can provide an excellent warning of potential health concerns,” said Dr. Peter Chioros, a board-certified podiatrist with Swedish Medical Group. “Sudden changes or chronic symptoms such as pain or inflammation can signal illnesses and other potentially harmful conditions.”

Which is better chiropodist or podiatrist?

Simply put, there is actually no technical difference between a chiropodist and a podiatrist in how they work; “chiropodist” and “chiropody” are the outdated terms for doctors that specialize in foot problems.

Why do seniors stop walking?

(Reuters Health) – Lots of time sitting, and very little spent moving around, may contribute to loss of the ability to walk in old age, a large U.S. study suggests.

What is the number one medicine for neuropathy?

The main medicines recommended for neuropathic pain include: amitriptyline – also used for treatment of headaches and depression. duloxetine – also used for treatment of bladder problems and depression. pregabalin and gabapentin – also used to treat epilepsy, headaches or anxiety.

Who do I see about problems with my feet?

When to see a doctor. Most people experience sore feet from time to time, but it’s wise to see a podiatrist if your feet regularly ache or swell. Everything from poorly fitting shoes to arthritis can cause foot pain. A podiatrist can provide an accurate diagnosis and treatment options to relieve your foot pain.

Can a podiatrist do surgery?

Podiatric surgeons offer comprehensive surgical care for a wide variety of problems, including: bunions (hallux valgus) problems with the toes (e.g. hammer toes) nerve entrapments of the foot and ankle.

How do you cut thick elderly toenails?

Soak your feet in warm water for about 10 minutes to soften your nails. Make small cuts with the clipper to avoid splintering the nail. Then cut straight across. If thickened toenails are too painful or difficult to cut yourself, call us for advice or an appointment.

What is painful feet a symptom of?

If your shoes aren’t a problem, you may have one of several conditions that cause foot pain. Arthritis, a fractured or broken bone, gout, tendinitis, plantar fasciitis can all make your feet hurt. You’re more likely to have foot problems as you get older and your joints wear down.

What conditions can podiatrists treat?

Some of the medical conditions podiatrists treat include heel pain (plantar fasciitis), foot complications from diabetes, ankle and foot arthritis, nerve problems, tendonitis, hammertoes, flat feet, nail disorders, bunions, warts, fungus, fractures, and sprains.