Laser Freckle Removal Summersville WV

Find top doctors who perform Laser Freckle Removal in Summersville, WV. Whether you’re seeking treatment or looking to schedule a preventative screening, we can connect you with the best dermatologists near you in Summersville, WV.

Local Businesses

Thomas M Karrs

(304) 872-8911
315 Fairview Heights Rd
Summersville, WV 26651

Dermatology Centers Incorporated

(304) 872-8911
315 Fairview Heights Road
Summersville, WV 26651

Fred D Scott, Do

(800) 214-5870
400 Fairview Heights Rd
Summersville, WV 26651

Jeffrey G Harris, Do

(800) 214-5870
400 Fairview Heights Rd
Summersville, WV 26651

William Carson

(304) 872-0927
400 Fairview Heights Road, Acc Suite 301
Summersville, WV 26651

Laser Freckle Removal FAQ in Summersville, WV

What is a suspicious freckle?

ABCDE of Melanoma: A for Asymmetry – the mole is not symmetrical. B for Border – the border of a freckle/mole is suspicious. C for Color – there is a variation in color within the spot or compared to other moles/freckles. D for Diameter – the mole is larger than 6mm in diameter.

What happens if you laser a freckle?

Many freckles are often removed after just one session, and even persistent freckles can fade into obscurity after repeated sessions. Laser treatment will remove your freckles, but long term, new freckles can appear if you’re not careful in the sun.

Do freckles naturally go away?

Freckles May Fade Some people have freckles that fade away almost completely in the winter and return in the summer. Other people’s freckles don’t change much with or without the sun and can be seen year-round. Freckles also tend to fade as people get older.

Do freckles get darker after IPL?

Individual pigmented spots may appear to darken immediately following an IPL treatment, but they will fade away over time. Your skin may appear red or slightly swollen immediately after treatment, but these symptoms usually disappear the same or next day. You’ll be able to resume normal activities right away.

Does coconut oil fade freckles?

The natural vitamins in coconut oil have fantastic healing properties for skin. People who have applied coconut oil to scars and age spots have said that it lightens them and reduces their appearance. It may also help to fade other skin discolorations like stretch marks, freckles, birthmarks, and uneven pigmentation.

Can laser make dark spots worse?

The hyperpigmentation associated with melasma and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation may be worsened by laser treatment, as the heat and energy can cause the pigment itself to become further entrenched in the skin.

What foods reduce freckles?

Applying raw potato juice or slices of raw potato on dark spots regularly can help in fading out of dark spots, freckles and sun tan. This is due to the presence of vitamin c, potassium and other brightening agents in raw potato helps in removing dark spots and tanning.

Is laser on face harmful?

Potential risks of the procedure include: Burns or other injuries from the laser’s heat. Scarring. Changes in the skin’s pigmentation, including areas of darker or lighter skin.

Does vitamin E remove freckles?

Add Nutrients To Your Skin While Lightening Freckles: Vitamin E oil not just blurs spots quick, it contains supplements that saturate your skin and keep it sound. Eating Your Way to Fewer Freckles: Vitamin C (citrus extract) in your eating routine helps your skin, pretty much as it does when you apply it to your face.

Can large freckles be removed?

If your freckles are determined to be benign, they can be removed by treatments including lasers, peels, or prescription topical creams or a combination depending on the kind of freckles you have and your skin type.