Laser Treatment Johnson AR

Find top doctors who perform Laser Treatment in Johnson, AR. Whether you’re seeking treatment or looking to schedule a preventative screening, we can connect you with the best dermatologists near you in Johnson, AR.

Local Businesses

Robert Taylor

(888) 783-8346
7777 Forest Lane Suite C-612
Johnson, AR 72741

Robert Taylor

(479) 521-1500
P.O. Box 524
Johnson, AR 72741

Robert G Taylor

Po Box 524
Johnson, AR 72741

Crouch, Allen – Taylor Plastic Surgery Inst

(479) 521-1500
12880 Hillcrest Road J107
Johnson, AR 72741

Taylor, Robert G – Taylor Plastic Surgery Inst

(479) 521-1500
7777 Forest Ln Ste B145
Johnson, AR 72741

Laser Treatment FAQ in Johnson, AR

Does laser remove 100% hair?

Although the procedure is often touted as a form of “permanent” hair removal, laser treatment only reduces the number of unwanted hairs in a given area. It doesn’t get rid of unwanted hairs completely.

How many sessions of laser till you see a difference?

This treatment uses a laser to target the hair follicles and destroy them, preventing new hair from growing in their place. This treatment is generally safe and effective, but it can take several sessions to achieve the desired results. Most people need between four and six sessions to achieve their desired results.

Do scars come back after laser?

Scarring will not reappear after laser scar treatment, though other factors – like age, sun exposure, and lifestyle – can impact the overall appearance of the skin.

Does laser hurt for the first time?

The more sensitive the skin is to begin with, the more painful it’ll likely be. To minimize pain, your provider may rub a numbing cream into your skin prior to the procedure. Depending on the body part and your pain tolerance, you may not need any numbing cream at all.

How long do laser effects last?

On average, most patients get to enjoy silky-smooth skin that lasts for anywhere between three and five years after undergoing laser therapy. Many patients maintain treatments by returning every so often for a touch-up or supplementary skin treatment.

What is the biggest danger of using a laser level?

Exposure to high level lasers may cause depigmentation, severe burns and possible damage to underlying organs. High-powered lasers may also cause fire hazards.

What does skin look like immediately after laser treatment?

Immediately after treatment, your skin will be red and feel sensitive and sunburned. Redness, swelling, itching or stinging may last for a few days. Depending on the treatment, skin may even appear raw, ooze a yellow liquid and even blister.

How soon after laser can you shower?

How long after laser hair removal can I shower? Ideally 24 hours, but if you must shower wait at least 6-8 hours after your session. Use tepid water and avoid using any harsh products, scrubs, exfoliating mitts, loofahs or sponges on your treatment area.

What should I avoid after laser treatment?

After the procedure, the skin will be sensitive and might feel somewhat irritated. Avoid any irritants that could harm your skin. Do not use active ingredients like alpha hydroxy acids, beta hydroxy acids, or retinol. Also, avoid direct sunlight or UV rays while your skin is healing.

How long after first laser Do you see results?

As a general rule of thumb, you can expect to see the results of each session one to three weeks after your session is complete. After that, you need to wait until the hair follicles in the area enter the active growth phase.

Which laser treatment is the best?

Ablative Laser Treatments These treatments are by far the most effective at reducing fine lines and wrinkles and balancing or removing skin discoloration,” says Kolker. “These are also associated with the longest downtime and recovery periods.