Lyme Disease Treatments Sterling IL

Find top doctors who perform Lyme Disease Treatments in Sterling, IL. Whether you’re seeking treatment or looking to schedule a preventative screening, we can connect you with the best dermatologists near you in Sterling, IL.

Local Businesses

Exner, John

101 E Miller Rd
Sterling, IL 61081

Marc Stees

(815) 625-4790
101 E Miller Rd
Sterling, IL 61081

Gaziano, Joseph H – Sterling-Rock Falls Clinic Limited

(815) 625-4790
101 E Miller Rd
Sterling, IL 61081

John Hubert Exner

101 E Miller Rd
Sterling, IL 61081

Alikhan, Mir A – Sterling-Rock Falls Clinic Limited

(815) 625-4790
101 E Miller Rd
Sterling, IL 61081

Sterling-Rock Falls Clinic Ltd

(815) 625-4790
1101 Hospital Dr
Sterling, IL 61081

John Exner

(815) 625-4790
101 E Miller Rd
Sterling, IL 61081

Lyme Disease Treatments FAQ in Sterling, IL

Can Lyme disease go away on its own without treatment?

Can Lyme Disease Go Away on Its Own? It is possible a person with Lyme disease can clear the infection on their own, but it’s better to be treated because complications that can arise are very serious. For most people, the disease and its symptoms do not resolve without treatment.

What happens if Lyme disease is not treated?

Lyme disease that goes untreated for many months or years may be harder to treat with antibiotics. Untreated cases can progress to serious, even fatal health conditions, from arthritis and nerve pain to cardiac arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) or Lyme neuroborreliosis (inflammation of the brain and spine).

Where does Lyme disease come from?

Lyme disease is an illness caused by borrelia bacteria. Humans usually get Lyme disease from the bite of a tick carrying the bacteria. Ticks that can carry borrelia bacteria live throughout most of the United States. But Lyme disease is most common in the upper Midwest and the northeastern and mid-Atlantic states.

What part of the body is most affected by Lyme disease?

Lyme disease is a bacterial infection you get from the bite of an infected tick. At first, Lyme disease usually causes symptoms such as a rash, fever, headache, and fatigue. But if it is not treated early, the infection can spread to your joints, heart, and nervous system. Prompt treatment can help you recover quickly.

Why can’t doctors treat Lyme disease?

Because there are no definitive tests or treatments for this condition, patients who have symptoms can be dismissed by the medical establishment. Many are denied medications such as antibiotics they believe can control the chronic infections they suspect they have.

Is there a vaccine for Lyme disease?

A vaccine for Lyme disease is not currently available. The only vaccine previously marketed in the United States, LYMERix®, was discontinued by the manufacturer in 2002, citing insufficient consumer demand. Protection provided by this vaccine decreases over time.

What is late stage Lyme disease?

Stage 3, or late persistent Lyme disease, can develop months or years after infection. If the disease hasn’t been promptly or effectively treated, you may have damage to the joints, nerves, and brain. It is the last and often the most serious stage of the disease.

What does Lyme disease do to your organs?

Lyme disease can affect the heart. This can lead to an irregular heart rhythm, which can cause dizziness or heart palpitations. It can also spread to the nervous system, causing facial paralysis (Bell’s palsy) or meningitis. The last stage of Lyme disease happens if the early stages weren’t found or treated.

Can Lyme cause early death?

Can Lyme disease be fatal? Yes – though Lyme disease deaths are rare, they are possible.

What are the long term effects of Lyme disease?

These longer-lasting symptoms may include: Arthritis that begins with Lyme disease and doesn’t improve. Body aches and pains. Constant or frequent tiredness.

What does Lyme disease do to a person?

Lyme disease is a bacterial infection you get from the bite of an infected tick. At first, Lyme disease usually causes symptoms such as a rash, fever, headache, and fatigue. But if it is not treated early, the infection can spread to your joints, heart, and nervous system. Prompt treatment can help you recover quickly.

How do you test for Lyme disease years later?

The diagnosis of late-stage Lyme disease can be very difficult, and is usually made by a specialist in infectious diseases. The diagnosis can be confirmed if the affected person has had the characteristic ‘bull’s eye’ rash and has lived or worked in areas where ticks are present, or with a blood test.