Mole Removal Forest Park IL

Find top doctors who perform Mole Removal in Forest Park, IL. Whether you’re seeking treatment or looking to schedule a preventative screening, we can connect you with the best dermatologists near you in Forest Park, IL.

Local Businesses

Michael, Belmina – West Suburban Med Ctr

(708) 771-4171
7318 Madison St
Forest Park, IL 60130

Belmina Michael

(708) 771-4171
7318 Madison St
Forest Park, IL 60130

Lisa Jeanne Peters

7339 Madison St
Forest Park, IL 60130

Advanced Dermatology Center

(708) 771-4330
7318 Madison St
Forest Park, IL 60130

Lisa J Peters

(708) 386-2400
7339 Madison St
Forest Park, IL 60130

Mole Removal FAQ in Forest Park, IL

What happens if you don’t remove cancerous moles?

Leaving Melanoma Untreated Warning signs to look for in moles may include itching, bleeding, blurred edges and changes in colour. In as little as 6 weeks melanoma can put your life at risk as it has the ability to grow quickly and spread to other parts of your body including your organs.

How painful is mole removal?

Since you’ll be given a local anesthetic before the procedure, you shouldn’t experience any pain or sharpness during mole removal. If you do, be sure to let your dermatologist know right away. After mole removal, you should expect some type of scar.

When should I be concerned about a mole?

Dermatologists recommend that you examine your skin every month. Most moles are benign (non-cancerous). If you notice changes in a mole’s color or appearance, have your mole evaluated by a dermatologist. You also should have moles checked if they bleed, ooze, itch, appear scaly, or become tender or painful.

Can you buy mole removal over the counter?

Currently, there are no U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) drugs for treating moles, seborrheic keratoses, or skin tags.

Is melanoma flat or raised?

It usually appears as a round, raised lump on the surface of the skin that is pink, red, brown or black and feels firm to touch. It may develop a crusty surface that bleeds easily. It is usually found on sun-damaged skin on the head and neck.

What is the fastest way to get rid of a mole on your face?

Most moles can be removed quickly by numbing the skin around the mole with a local anaesthetic and cutting away the lesion. This is performed as an outpatient procedure, and you will be able to leave once the wound has been stitched.

Is it better to remove moles or leave them?

If you’re wondering if removing moles prevent skin cancer, the answer is no. Cutting out a mole does not mean your cancer is reduced. Precancerous moles may need to be removed to reduce the cause of contracting skin cancer. Although moles are harmless, some people may want to remove their mole for cosmetic reasons.

What are raised moles called?

Intradermal Nevi Another name for these moles is “dermal nevi.” The melanocytes that make up an intradermal nevus are located in the dermis (below the dermo-epidermal junction). This mass of melanocytes pushes the cells above it upward, resulting in the flesh-colored bump that is noted on the surface of the skin.

How long do stitches stay in after mole removal?

The stitches from a surgical mole excision are usually removed 1–2 weeks following the treatment.

When should I be worried about a mole?

If you have any moles that are larger than most, have smudgy or irregular edges, are uneven in colour or have some pinkness, you should see a doctor and get them checked. Any moles that appear newly in adulthood should be checked. The most concerning sign, however, is a changing mole.

Why do I get more moles as I age?

You can also develop moles during childhood and early adulthood. Sun exposure and other drivers behind aging skin can lead to nevi as an older adult. Some moles can become cancerous, but the majority are harmless — this is why it’s important to always get a dermatologist’s take on any moles in question.

How do I stop moles from growing on my face?

Step #1: Use Sunscreen Every Day. Step #2: Protect Your Head from the Sun. Step #3: Buy Sun-Protective Clothing. Step #4: Avoid the Sun During Peak Hours. Remember to Get Regular Skin Exams!

How big of a mole is too big?

Only large congenital moles (greater than 20mm in size) have a significantly increased risk of turning into a skin cancer. Acquired moles. Most moles are acquired, meaning they develop after birth. They are typically smaller than a pencil eraser and have even pigmentation and a symmetrical border.

Why am I suddenly getting moles?

Researchers are not sure why moles suddenly appear later in life. Most that do are benign and occur likely because of age, prescription drug use, sunburn or extensive sun exposure and genetic mutations. Any mole that appears and looks unordinary can be a cause for concern. New moles are more likely to become cancerous.

How does a cancerous mole look like?

Border that is irregular: The edges are often ragged, notched, or blurred in outline. The pigment may spread into the surrounding skin. Color that is uneven: Shades of black, brown, and tan may be present. Areas of white, gray, red, pink, or blue may also be seen.