Find pediatric dermatologists in Newtown Square, PA. Whether you’re seeking treatment or looking to schedule a preventative screening, we can connect you with the best dermatologists near you in Newtown Square, PA.
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David A. Bottger
Newtown Square, PA 19073
Benstock, Elizabeth
Newtown Square, PA 19073
David Bottger
Newtown Square, PA 19073
David Bottger
Newtown Square, PA 19073
Edward Francis Ryan Jr, Do
Newtown Square, PA 19073
Pediatric Dermatologist FAQ in Newtown Square, PA
Is cosmetology or esthetics better?
If you are passionate about skin care and helping clients achieve their best skin, a career as an esthetician might be the one for you. If you are looking for a more creative and artistic career styling hair, nails, and makeup, cosmetology might be more your style.
What are the most common dermatology conditions?
Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States, affecting up to 50 million Americans annually. Acne usually begins in puberty and affects many adolescents and young adults.
What can a dermatologist do for eczema?
Dermatologists may prescribe immunosuppressant medication for weeks or months or until symptoms of eczema or dermatitis are under control. Often, our doctors may reduce or stop a prescription at that time to see whether symptoms can be managed using topical medication, phototherapy, or at-home therapies.
Why is my 7 year old getting pimples?
Kids get acne because of hormone changes that come with puberty. If your parent had acne as a teen, it’s likely that you will too. Stress may make acne worse, because when you’re stressed, your pores may make more sebum. Luckily, for most people, acne gets better by the time they’re in their twenties.
Should I take my daughter to dermatologist for acne?
For some teens and preteens with mild acne, over-the-counter products containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid may suffice. But if you don’t see any improvement within the first month or two of use, you should consider taking your child to a dermatologist.
Can a child have a cancerous mole?
Some children who have lots of moles get melanoma early in life. An Australian study found that more than half of the 15- to 19-year-old patients with melanoma had at least 100 moles. Bottom line: A child with 50-plus moles should be under a dermatologist’s care. Caught early, melanoma is highly treatable.
Can dermatologists clear skin?
With today’s acne treatments and a dermatologist’s expertise, virtually every case of acne can be cleared. A dermatologist can tailor a treatment plan to your unique needs.
What age should I worry about moles?
The majority of moles are not dangerous. Moles that are more likely to be cancer are those that look different than other moles and appear after the age of 25. If you notice changes in a mole’s height, color, shape or size, you should have a dermatologist evaluate it.
Should my child see a dermatologist for eczema?
If your child has moderate to severe eczema When eczema becomes moderate or severe, a child needs more than treatment you can buy without a prescription. It’s important to work closely with a dermatologist to manage the eczema. Dermatologists have experience treating patients with a variety of corticosteroids.
What do you call a dermatologist for kids?
Pediatric dermatologists treat a wide variety of pediatric skin conditions using the latest available treatment methods. Pediatric dermatologists treat children from birth through adolescence.
Do children need skin checks?
Children rarely develop skin cancer. Full-body checks are usually not recommended until the early 20’s. Obviously, if there is a concerning lesion that is changing or growing out of proportion to the growth of the child, this needs to be checked by a doctor.
When should I take my child to the dermatologist for acne?
It is best to seek treatment from a dermatologist if your child is experiencing any of these and: Over-the-counter acne treatments are not working. Your teen’s face is inflamed, red, or painful. The acne condition is getting worse despite good home care.