Skin Cancer Specialists Hillsboro OR

Find Skin Cancer Specialists in Hillsboro, OR. Whether you’re seeking treatment or looking to schedule a preventative screening, we can connect you with the best dermatologists near you in Hillsboro, OR.

Local Businesses

Swanstrom, Gail – Ear Nose & Throat Assoc

(503) 648-8971
835 N Western Ave
Hillsboro, OR 97123

Dr.Bernard Gasch

(503) 297-3440
5880 Ne Cornell Rd
Hillsboro, OR 97124

Edward G Atkin

(503) 640-4677
730 Se Oak Street – Suite F
Hillsboro, OR 97123

Hillsboro All Care Family Dermatology

(503) 648-6159
545 Se Oak St, Ste B
Hillsboro, OR 97123

Sheldon Cober

(503) 297-9340
432 S San Vicente Blvd # 250
Hillsboro, OR 97124

Cofield, Brooks G, Do – All Care Family Dermatology

(503) 648-6159
545 Se Oak St # B
Hillsboro, OR 97123

Allergy Asthma Dermatology Associates Pc

(503) 648-1494
705 Se Baseline St
Hillsboro, OR 97123

Gasch, Bernard A – Allergy Asthma Dermatology

(503) 648-1494
705 Se Baseline St
Hillsboro, OR 97123

Ear Nose & Throat Assoc

(503) 648-8971
380 Smith Rd
Hillsboro, OR 97123

Atkin, Edward G – Dermatology Clinic-Hillsboro

(503) 640-4677
730 Se Oak St, #F
Hillsboro, OR 97123

Cofield, Brooks G Do – All Care Family Dermatology

(503) 648-6159
545 Se Oak St, #B
Hillsboro, OR 97123

Cofield, Brooks

545 Se Oak St Ste B
Hillsboro, OR 97123

Kazmierowski, John A – Allergy Asthma Dermatology

(503) 648-1494
705 Se Baseline St
Hillsboro, OR 97123

Edward Atkin

(503) 221-0161
730 Se Oak St Ste F, Dermatgy Clc Of Hillsboro
Hillsboro, OR 97123

Gabel Steven

1625 S Wilton Pl
Hillsboro, OR 97123

Gabel, Steven P – Ear Nose & Throat Assoc

(503) 648-8971
6090 S. Fort Apache #100
Hillsboro, OR 97123

Brooks Cofield, Do

545 Se Oak St Ste B
Hillsboro, OR 97123

Brooks Cofield, Do

(503) 648-6159
545 Se Oak St Ste B
Hillsboro, OR 97123

Allergy Asthma & Dermatology Associates Pc

(503) 648-1494
705 S.E. Baseline Street
Hillsboro, OR 97123

Edward Atkin

730 Se Oak St Ste F
Hillsboro, OR 97123

Skin Cancer Specialists FAQ in Hillsboro, OR

How do you beat skin cancer?

Freezing. Your doctor may destroy actinic keratoses and some small, early skin cancers by freezing them with liquid nitrogen (cryosurgery). Excisional surgery. Mohs surgery. Curettage and electrodesiccation or cryotherapy. Radiation therapy. Chemotherapy. Photodynamic therapy. Biological therapy.

How long can you let skin cancer go?

Because it can be quickly growing, it’s very dangerous to leave melanoma untreated. This skin cancer can become life-threatening within 4-6 weeks. The cure rate is high, however, if the melanoma is diagnosed and treated when it is thin or at an early stage.

How do you know if melanoma is spreading?

If your melanoma has spread to other areas, you may have: Hardened lumps under your skin. Swollen or painful lymph nodes. Trouble breathing, or a cough that doesn’t go away.

What does late stage skin cancer look like?

Hard lump on the skin. Hard or swollen lymph nodes. Fatigue. Unexplained pain.

Do you need chemo for basal cell carcinoma?

Basal cell carcinoma very rarely reaches an advanced stage, so systemic chemotherapy is not typically used to treat these cancers. Advanced basal cell cancers are more likely to be treated with targeted therapy.

What happens if you ignore skin cancer?

These skin cancers will continue to grow if nothing is done to stop them. Extended growth can result in involvement of vital structures like the nose, eyes, ears, bone, tendon or muscle and can become disfiguring or even life-threatening. Fortunately, most of the time they grow very slowly.

How quickly should melanoma be removed?

Waiting Even Days to Remove Melanoma Can Be Deadly No matter what stage their cancer was, those who waited more than 90 days for surgical treatment were more likely to die.

Can you pass away from melanoma?

Melanoma is usually curable when detected and treated early. Once it has spread deeper into the skin or other parts of the body, it becomes more difficult to treat and can be deadly. The estimated five-year survival rate for U.S. patients whose melanoma is detected early is about 99 percent.

What is the hardest skin cancer to treat?

Melanoma is not as common as basal cell or squamous cell carcinomas but is the most dangerous form of skin cancer. If left untreated or caught in a late-stage, melanomas are more likely to spread to organs beyond the skin, making them difficult to treat and potentially life-limiting.

What do cancerous sun spots look like?

The edges are irregular, ragged, notched, or blurred. The color is not the same all over and may include shades of brown or black, sometimes with patches of pink, red, white, or blue. The spot is larger than ΒΌ inch across – about the size of a pencil eraser – although melanomas can sometimes be smaller than this.

What is the most common treatment for skin cancer?

Surgery is the primary treatment for most skin cancers. For patients with basal cell or squamous cell carcinomas, a dermatologist or other qualified doctor may perform an outpatient procedure using a local anesthetic.

How quickly does skin cancer spread?

Melanoma can grow very quickly. It can become life-threatening in as little as 6 weeks and, if untreated, it can spread to other parts of the body.

Is Stage 2 skin cancer curable?

Prognosis Stage 2 Melanoma: With appropriate treatment, Stage II melanoma is considered intermediate to high risk for recurrence or metastasis. The 5-year survival rate as of 2018 for local melanoma, including Stage II, is 98.4%. Learn more about melanoma survival rates.