Skin Cancer Specialists Newtown PA

Find Skin Cancer Specialists in Newtown, PA. Whether you’re seeking treatment or looking to schedule a preventative screening, we can connect you with the best dermatologists near you in Newtown, PA.

Local Businesses

Bucks County Cosmetic Surgery Center

(215) 579-4190
3 Terry Dr
Newtown, PA 18940

Total Eye Care Ctr

(215) 968-5000
451 S State St # B
Newtown, PA 18940

Lavrich, Judith B – Total Eye Care Ctr

(215) 968-5000
451 S State St # B
Newtown, PA 18940

Jay Patel

(215) 785-9890
P.O. Box 68
Newtown, PA 18940

Steven R Weasen

444 S State St Ste C3
Newtown, PA 18940

Sardi, Vincent – Total Eye Care Ctr

(215) 968-5000
451 S State St # B
Newtown, PA 18940

Nicholson Christine R Od

451 South State Street
Newtown, PA 18940

Marley, Wayne M – Advanced Aesthetics

(215) 639-7546
509 Washington Ave
Newtown, PA 18940

Advanced Aesthetics

(215) 639-7546
509 Washington Ave
Newtown, PA 18940

Wayne Michael Marley

1950 Street Rd 509 E Washington Ave
Newtown, PA 18940

Skin Cancer Specialists FAQ in Newtown, PA

How long can you have basal cell carcinoma before it spreads?

The cancer is the result of cumulative damage of years spent in the sun, and may take 20 years to manifest. Although it’s often more common in older people, it can occur in younger adults, too. Basal cell carcinoma spreads very slowly and very rarely will metastasize, Dr. Christensen says.

Do you feel ill with skin cancer?

You can feel well and still have skin cancer Most people who find a suspicious spot on their skin or streak beneath a nail feel fine. They don’t have any pain. They don’t feel ill. The only difference they notice is the suspicious-looking spot.

Is melanoma flat or raised?

It usually appears as a round, raised lump on the surface of the skin that is pink, red, brown or black and feels firm to touch. It may develop a crusty surface that bleeds easily. It is usually found on sun-damaged skin on the head and neck.

What does the beginning of squamous cell carcinoma look like?

SCCs can appear as thick, rough, scaly patches that may crust or bleed. They can also resemble warts, or open sores that don’t completely heal. Sometimes SCCs show up as growths that are raised at the edges with a lower area in the center that may bleed or itch.

Can you live a full life after melanoma?

almost all people (almost 100%) will survive their melanoma for 1 year or more after they are diagnosed. around 90 out of every 100 people (around 90%) will survive their melanoma for 5 years or more after diagnosis.

Does cancer spread faster after biopsy?

A long-held belief by a number of patients and even some physicians has been that a biopsy can cause some cancer cells to spread. While there have been a few case reports that suggest this can happen — but very rarely — there is no need for patients to be concerned about biopsies, says Dr. Wallace.

What are the 4 types of skin cancer?

Basal cell carcinoma. Basal cells are the round cells found in the lower epidermis. Squamous cell carcinoma. Most of the epidermis is made up of flat, scale-like cells called squamous cells. Merkel cell cancer. Melanoma.

How fast do skin cancers progress?

Some forms of skin cancer tend to grow in a matter of weeks, while others grow over months, or even longer. While a number of factors determine how fast or slow skin cancer may grow in any one individual, some types of skin cancer are more aggressive than others.

Can you live with skin cancer for years?

Overall, 9 in 10 people diagnosed with melanoma skin cancer today are predicted to survive their disease for at least ten years.

How long can you let skin cancer go?

Because it can be quickly growing, it’s very dangerous to leave melanoma untreated. This skin cancer can become life-threatening within 4-6 weeks. The cure rate is high, however, if the melanoma is diagnosed and treated when it is thin or at an early stage.

What skin cancers are fatal?

Melanoma, which means “black tumor,” is the most dangerous type of skin cancer. It grows quickly and has the ability to spread to any organ. Melanoma comes from skin cells called melanocytes.

Does vitamin D help with melanoma?

High circulating vitamin D concentration has been found to be associated with reduced melanoma progression and improved survival. Furthermore, reduced vitamin D serum levels have been reported in patients with stage IV melanoma compared with those with stage I.

How curable is skin cancer?

Nearly all skin cancers can be cured if they are treated before they have a chance to spread. The earlier skin cancer is found and removed, the better your chance for a full recovery. Ninety percent of those with basal cell skin cancer are cured.

Is Stage 2 skin cancer curable?

Prognosis Stage 2 Melanoma: With appropriate treatment, Stage II melanoma is considered intermediate to high risk for recurrence or metastasis. The 5-year survival rate as of 2018 for local melanoma, including Stage II, is 98.4%. Learn more about melanoma survival rates.

Which skin cancer spreads the fastest?

Merkel cell carcinoma tends to grow fast and to spread quickly to other parts of your body. Treatment options for Merkel cell carcinoma often depend on whether the cancer has spread beyond the skin.