Find top doctors who perform Skin Disorders in Blue Bell, PA. Whether you’re seeking treatment or looking to schedule a preventative screening, we can connect you with the best dermatologists near you in Blue Bell, PA.
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Blue Bell, PA 19422
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Blue Bell, PA 19422
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Blue Bell, PA 19422
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Blue Bell, PA 19422
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Blue Bell, PA 19422
Robert Mirabile
Blue Bell, PA 19422
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Blue Bell, PA 19422
Skin Disorders FAQ in Blue Bell, PA
What happens if a skin infection goes untreated?
Left untreated, the infection can spread to the lymph nodes and bloodstream and rapidly become life-threatening.
Can anxiety cause skin problems?
Anxiety can cause quite a few issues when it comes to your skin, such as stress rashes (hives) and excessive sweating. These conditions can be uncomfortable, sometimes itchy or painful, and may even impact how you feel about yourself.
What is dehydrated skin?
Dehydrated skin occurs when the protective uppermost layer of the skin, known as the stratum corneum, is lacking in moisture. Every day our skin loses water – it’s totally normal! When your skin loses more water than it needs, that’s when the signs of dehydration can start to show.
What are some names of skin diseases?
Acne. What is acne? Alopecia Areata. What is alopecia areata? Atopic Dermatitis. What is atopic dermatitis? Epidermolysis Bullosa. What is epidermolysis bullosa? Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) Ichthyosis. Pachyonychia Congenita. Pemphigus.
What are the early warning signs of melanoma?
The first sign of melanoma is often a mole that changes size, shape or color. This melanoma shows color variations and an irregular border, both of which are melanoma warning signs. Melanomas can develop anywhere on your body.
What are three common bacterial skin infections?
Skin Infections They are most frequently caused by Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, and coryneform bacteria. Impetigo, folliculitis, boils, and erythrasma are common examples.
What is type 1 skin?
People with Skin Type I are usually pale, prone to freckles, have light coloured eyes, and blonde or red hair. They burn very easily, don’t tan, and have a high risk of skin cancer.
What are the 3 major causes of skin infections?
A skin infection occurs when parasites, fungi, or germs such as bacteria penetrate the skin and spread. When this happens, it can cause pain, swelling, and skin color changes. Skin infections are different from rashes. A rash is an area of swollen or irritated skin.
What does AK mean in skin?
Actinic keratoses are scaly spots or patches on the top layer of skin. With time they may become hard with a wartlike surface. An actinic keratosis (ak-TIN-ik ker-uh-TOE-sis) is a rough, scaly patch on the skin that develops from years of sun exposure.
What does a leukemia rash look like?
Leukemia cutis appears as red or purplish red, and it occasionally looks dark red or brown. It affects the outer skin layer, the inner skin layer, and the layer of tissue beneath the skin. The rash can involve flushed skin, plaques, and scaly lesions. It most commonly appears on the trunk, arms, and legs.
What bacteria causes most skin infections?
Staph bacteria are one of the most common causes of skin infections in the U.S. Most of these skin infections are minor (such as pimples and boils), are not spread to others (not infectious), and usually can be treated without antibiotics.
What does type 3 skin look like?
Type III – Your skin is white, your hair is blonde or brown. Your eyes are blue or brown. You tan after you burn. You may freckle.
What are the five signs of a skin infection?
Some symptoms that are common to many skin infections include rashes, swelling, redness, pain, pus, and itching.
Which skin type is best?
Normal skin type Normal skin is also called eudermic. This means it is well-balanced. It is neither too oily nor too dry. Normal skin tends to have balanced pH levels and sebum production.
What is your biggest skin concern?
Acne is the most common skin concern, affecting over 80% of us at some stage of our lives either during adolescence or into adulthood.