Find top doctors who perform Skin Rashes & Infections in Augusta, ME. Whether you’re seeking treatment or looking to schedule a preventative screening, we can connect you with the best dermatologists near you in Augusta, ME.
Local Businesses
Facial & Oral Surgery Assoc
Augusta, ME 04330
Berube, R Robert Dds – Facial & Oral Surgery Assoc
Augusta, ME 04330
Phillips, Dewayne – Facial & Oral Surgery Assoc
Augusta, ME 04330
John Anthony Garofalo
Augusta, ME 04330
Dr.Helge Riemann
Augusta, ME 04330
Eric L Hensen, Do
Augusta, ME 04330
Winne, Cynthia E Dds – Facial & Oral Surgery Assoc
Augusta, ME 04330
Skin Rashes & Infections FAQ in Augusta, ME
How long is too long for a rash?
Always consult your doctor promptly if a rash: Worsens. Lasts longer than one week. Shows signs of local infection (oozing, redness or swelling of the skin)
What are two serious signs of a skin infection?
Pus or fluid leaking out of the cut. Red skin around the injury. A red streak that runs from the cut toward your heart. A pimple or yellowish crust on top. Sores that look like blisters. Pain that gets worse after a few days.
What is the first most common infection in the body?
Chlamydia. 1/15. This sexually transmitted disease affects men and women. Influenza A and B. 2/15. Sudden fever and chills, muscle aches, headache, tiredness, sore throat, congestion. Staph. 3/15. E. Coli. Herpes Simplex 1. 5/15. Herpes Simplex 2. 6/15. Shigellosis. 7/15. Syphilis. 8/15.
Can stress cause rashes?
While stress may be something we feel emotionally, it can have a significant impact on our physical health. In addition to high blood pressure, headaches and fatigue, skin rashes are common stress symptoms.
How long is Covid rash?
How long does a COVID-19 rash last? More information is needed to know for sure. Right now, reports suggest that a rash typically lasts between 2 and 12 days, with most people having a rash for 8 days.
What is the fastest way to get rid of a rash?
Cold compress. One of the fastest and easiest ways to stop the pain and itch of a rash is to apply cold. Oatmeal bath. Aloe vera (fresh) Coconut oil. Tea tree oil. Baking soda. Indigo naturalis. Apple cider vinegar.
Why am I getting so many infections?
Not washing your hands. Not scrubbing up after you use the bathroom or before you touch your nose and mouth can lead to repeat infections. That’s especially true if you get colds or the flu often. It may seem like you’re getting the same infection, but you might be getting infected with different viruses.
Can infections go away without antibiotics?
Antibiotics are only needed for treating certain infections caused by bacteria, but even some bacterial infections get better without antibiotics. We rely on antibiotics to treat serious, life-threatening conditions such as pneumonia and sepsis, the body’s extreme response to an infection.
What are the red flags for sepsis?
Severe breathlessness or sleepiness. It feels like you’re going to die or pass out. Skin mottled or discoloured. An extremely high or a very low temperature; repeated vomiting; seizures; and a rash which doesn’t fade when you press a glass against it are also possible ‘red flags’.
Where does sepsis rash appear?
Some patients who have sepsis develop a rash on their skin. The rash may be a reddish discoloration or small dark red dots seen throughout the body. Those with sepsis may also develop pain in the joints of the wrists, elbows, back, hips, knees, and ankles.
Why have I suddenly got a rash?
There are a number of potential causes of rashes, including allergies, diseases, reactions, and medications. They can also be caused by bacterial, fungal, viral, or parasitic infections.
What diseases have a rash as a symptom?
Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSS)
How do you know if your body is fighting an infection?
Fever (this is sometimes the only sign of an infection). Chills and sweats. Change in cough or a new cough. Sore throat or new mouth sore.
How do you get rid of a rash that won’t go away?
After exposure, wash the area with water to remove all traces of the irritant/allergen. Applying moisturizers will help the skin moisten and speed up the healing process. Your healthcare provider may prescribe creams or ointments to help. Corticosteroid pills are reserved for only the most severe cases.