Stretch Mark Specialists Colchester CT

Find Stretch Mark Specialists in Colchester, CT. Whether you’re seeking treatment or looking to schedule a preventative screening, we can connect you with the best dermatologists near you in Colchester, CT.

Local Businesses

Rouse, Stephen M – Eastern Connecticut Ear Nose

(860) 537-1903
121 Broadway St
Colchester, CT 06415

Tino, Debbie – Center For Facial Cosmetics

(860) 537-1903
121 Broadway St
Colchester, CT 06415

Center For Facial Cosmetics

(860) 537-1903
121 Broadway St
Colchester, CT 06415

Culviner, William T – Eastern Connecticut Ear Nose

(860) 537-1903
121 Broadway St
Colchester, CT 06415

Allen, Jerilyn S – Eastern Connecticut Ear Nose

(860) 537-1903
121 Broadway St
Colchester, CT 06415

Tino, Debbie – Eastern Connecticut Ear Nose

(860) 537-1903
121 Broadway St
Colchester, CT 06415

Allen Jerilyn S

121 Broadway Street
Colchester, CT 06415

Stretch Mark Specialists FAQ in Colchester, CT

How many sessions does it take to get rid of stretch marks?

Three to five sessions are typically recommended to achieve the best results. During the procedure, the laser application may cause some slight discomfort, but anesthetic is not usually needed. Laser stretch mark treatments have few side effects, including some temporary redness and swelling.

Do dermatologists recommend Bio-Oil?

What else can Bio-Oil be used for? Though both dermatologists recommend Bio-Oil to treat stretch marks, Amazon customers have also found that it works for a wide variety of skin issues.

Do stretch marks come back after laser surgery?

Stretch marks are a type of scar and cause permanent changes to the dermis. Lasers can reduce the appearance of stretch marks, but do not permanently remove stretch marks.

Does microneedling remove stretch marks?

Microneedling is a minimally invasive treatment, also known in the cosmetic industry as collagen induction therapy. It’s used to treat stretch marks, acne scarring, hair restoration, and fine lines and wrinkles.

What dermatologist recommends stretch marks?

Derived from vitamin A, retinoids — such as tretinoin (Retin-A, Renova, Avita) — that you apply to your skin may improve the appearance of stretch marks less than a few months old. Tretinoin, when it works, helps to rebuild a protein in the skin called collagen, making the stretch marks look more like your normal skin.

Do pro athletes have stretch marks?

Although stretch marks are commonly associated with puberty, weight gain, and pregnancy, many athletes — especially bodybuilders — notice stretch marks on their biceps, shoulders, and thighs.

How long does it take aloe vera to remove stretch marks?

Mix the ingredients together to form a paste and apply evenly all over your stretch marks. Let it stay for 30 minutes before washing off with water. Repeat this at least twice a week to see your stretch marks disappear in 2-3 weeks.

Can dermatologists do anything for stretch marks?

Your local Forefront Dermatologist may provide treatments options to help reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Your dermatologist will determine what treatment will work best for you, but some options may include chemical peels, laser therapy, microdermabrasion and microneedling combined with PRP therapy.

What laser treatment is best for stretch marks?

Laser treatments remain the most effective non-surgical stretch mark treatment option. The ICON 1540 Fractional Laser is the only FDA-approved laser for the treatment of stretch marks. It is reported that patients see a 20 to 60 percent improvement in the appearance of stretch marks after a few sessions.

Do chemical peels work on stretch marks?

Since stretch marks originate below the skin’s surface, there is no way to remove these marks completely. However chemical peels can effectively diminish their appearance, while creating a smoother, softer surface to the skin.