VI Peels Andover MA

Find top doctors who perform VI Peels in Andover, MA. Whether you’re seeking treatment or looking to schedule a preventative screening, we can connect you with the best dermatologists near you in Andover, MA.

Local Businesses

Michael Terlizzi

138 Haverhill St
Andover, MA 01810

Christine H Andersen

138 Haverhill St
Andover, MA 01810

Stephen Patrick Brady

11 Chestnut St Ste 1
Andover, MA 01810

David M Gruber

138 Haverhill St
Andover, MA 01810

Michael Joseph Terlizzi

138 Haverhill St Ste 200
Andover, MA 01810

Andover Eye Assoc

(978) 475-0705
138 Haverhill St Ste 104
Andover, MA 01810

Dr.Michael Terlizzi

(978) 475-4322
138 Haverhill St # 200
Andover, MA 01810

Joan Skinner Sisto

1 Dundee Park Dr Ste 3
Andover, MA 01810

VI Peels FAQ in Andover, MA

What chemical peel is best for deep wrinkles?

Trichloroacetic Acid Peels (TCA) Green. TCA peels are an excellent choice for patients who experience pigment irregularities and sun damage, as well as deep wrinkles and acne scars.

How often should you get a VI peel?

A VI Peel is a moderate-depth chemical peel that may improve your skin texture and improve signs of aging. It uses a blend of ingredients that include salicylic acid, TCA, and phenol. You can get a VI Peel as frequently as every 4 to 6 weeks, and it can be used on all skin types.

Why does my skin look wrinkly after a chemical peel?

The likely reason that the skin does not yet look normal after your peel is that you only had your peel 4 days prior–you are still peeling. The Vitalize peel is a modified Jessner’s peel which can cause much more peeling than say a glycolic acid or salicylic acid peel. Continue to moisturize regularly.

What is the strongest chemical peel for face?

What Is the Deep Peel Like? The deep peel contains high concentrations of trichloroacetic acid, and it’s the most powerful of the chemical peels. While it produces more dramatic results than superficial or medium peels, it also requires a longer recovery time, and the procedure takes longer.

What to do after a vi peel?

After peeling begins, apply Vi Derm moisturizer as often as necessary for comfort or to hide any sloughing of the skin. This will also aide in elimination of picking the peeling skin. Refrain from picking the skin so redness, irritation and hyper pigmentation do not occur. You may resume your regular skin care regimen.

How many vi peels do you need to see results?

How long does it take to see results from VI Peel? For optimal results, generally a series of 3-4 VI Peel treatments are needed, however, many patients will see significant results with just one treatment. Peeling typically lasts 7 days and results are generally seen within a week once peeling has subsided.

Why you shouldn’t get a chemical peel?

A chemical peel can lead to a bacterial, fungal or viral infection, such as a flare-up of the herpes virus — the virus that causes cold sores. Heart, kidney or liver damage. A deep chemical peel uses carbolic acid (phenol), which can damage heart muscle and cause the heart to beat irregularly.

Who is a good candidate for VI Peel?

Are You an Ideal Candidate for VI Peel? You may be a good candidate for VI Peel treatment if you have fair to medium skin tone and need to reverse the early signs of aging, heal acne, and improve mild to moderate cases of skin damage. VI Peel may result in hyperpigmentation in people who have a darker skin color.

How long does VI Peel peeling last?

Two to three days after the VI Peel application, the skin will begin to peel. This process can last between three and seven days, depending on the patient’s skin type and condition. Moisturizer can be used during this time to help mask the noticeable appearance of peeling.

Is retinol better than chemical peel?

Most chemical peels use acids or fruit enzymes to loosen the dead layer of skin, but retinol peels use Vitamin A as the exfoliating agent which leaves the skin with smooth, vibrant, and rejuvenating lasting results.