VI Peels Ardsley NY

Find top doctors who perform VI Peels in Ardsley, NY. Whether you’re seeking treatment or looking to schedule a preventative screening, we can connect you with the best dermatologists near you in Ardsley, NY.

Local Businesses

Sherri Kapel Kaplan

1055 Saw Mill River Rd Ste 208
Ardsley, NY 10502

Ira Davis

(914) 347-9500
1055 Saw Mill River Rd
Ardsley, NY 10502

Virginia Chen

(914) 693-9550
1055 Saw Mill River Rd – Ste 203-A
Ardsley, NY 10502

Sherri Kapel Kaplan

(914) 693-7191
1055 Saw Mill River Road – Suite 208
Ardsley, NY 10502

Virginia L Chen

1055 Saw Mill River Rd
Ardsley, NY 10502

Sherri K Kaplan

(914) 693-7191
1055 Saw Mill River Rd – # 208
Ardsley, NY 10502

VI Peels FAQ in Ardsley, NY

What are the pros and cons of chemical peels?

A chemical peel can visibly improve your skin by improving skin texture, tone and reducing the appearance of wrinkles. However, it also presents side-effects that you should be wary of. This can include redness, scarring, and possibly infection.

How many vi peels do you need to see results?

How long does it take to see results from VI Peel? For optimal results, generally a series of 3-4 VI Peel treatments are needed, however, many patients will see significant results with just one treatment. Peeling typically lasts 7 days and results are generally seen within a week once peeling has subsided.

At what age should you start getting chemical peels?

When it comes to chemical peels, you can start getting them in your late teens and twenties in order to treat acne, acne scarring, and early signs of sun damage. However, make sure that you communicate with Dr.

What should you not do before a VI Peel?

Don’t exfoliate. Since a chemical peel is an in-depth exfoliation, it’s important that you don’t exfoliate for at least 1 week before your appointment. Refrain from using make-up. Avoid the sun. Stay hydrated.

Is VI Peel better than chemical peel?

Answer: Chemical Peels It can help a bit with fine lines, though often Botox, microneedling or laser resurfacing are needed. The VI peel is a more gentle peel and can be a great option to start with . The VI peel is safer for darker skin tones as well as there is a lower risk of hyperpigmentation.

Why am I not peeling after VI Peel?

The amount of peeling usually depends on the type and strength of the peel. If there is no peeling after a Vi Peel, however, it may be due to failure to use the towelets as part of the post care. Peeling may vary, however, each time you get a peel. Sometimes, however, the peeling isn’t visible.

Why you shouldn’t get a chemical peel?

A chemical peel can lead to a bacterial, fungal or viral infection, such as a flare-up of the herpes virus — the virus that causes cold sores. Heart, kidney or liver damage. A deep chemical peel uses carbolic acid (phenol), which can damage heart muscle and cause the heart to beat irregularly.

Why does my skin look wrinkly after a chemical peel?

The likely reason that the skin does not yet look normal after your peel is that you only had your peel 4 days prior–you are still peeling. The Vitalize peel is a modified Jessner’s peel which can cause much more peeling than say a glycolic acid or salicylic acid peel. Continue to moisturize regularly.

Why do my wrinkles look worse after chemical peel?

Answer: Chemical peels don’t cause wrinkles. The more you peel your skin, the better it looks but sometimes the swelling from a peel can distort the creases or skin for the 1st 3-4 months so be patient. The end results from peels are usually seen 3-4 months later as it tightens skin and builds collagen up with time.

What naturally tightens facial skin?

Banana. Bananas are rich in potassium, vitamins, and natural oils. Cucumber. Cucumber helps retain elastin and hyaluronic acid which are necessary to maintain firm skin. Pineapple. Aloe Vera. Coffee grounds scrub. Honey.

Can VI Peel burn your face?

In rare cases, sensitive individuals may experience pain, a burning or stinging sensation, swelling, or extreme redness after the VI Peel. If this occurs, you should wash your face with a mild cleanser and cool water. Use of the Post peel moisturizer (included) will soothe redness or irritation.

Will VI Peel remove dark spots?

A Vi Peel can dramatically lessen the appearance of dark spots, age spots, sunspots and sun-damaged skin. Even if you have found the removal of these kinds of hyperpigmentation conditions a problem in the past, the Vi Peel will work wonders.

How often should you get a VI peel?

A VI Peel is a moderate-depth chemical peel that may improve your skin texture and improve signs of aging. It uses a blend of ingredients that include salicylic acid, TCA, and phenol. You can get a VI Peel as frequently as every 4 to 6 weeks, and it can be used on all skin types.