VI Peels King NC

Find top doctors who perform VI Peels in King, NC. Whether you’re seeking treatment or looking to schedule a preventative screening, we can connect you with the best dermatologists near you in King, NC.

Local Businesses

Paul Douglass Wortman

216 Moore Rd Ste 200
King, NC 27021

Samuel Newsome

(336) 983-4346
Po Box 1129
King, NC 27021

Mountainview Skin Care Pc

(336) 983-3230
216 Moore Rd
King, NC 27021

Mountainview Medical

(336) 983-4346
216 Moore Rd
King, NC 27021

Paul Douglass Wortman

(336) 983-3230
216 Moore Rd – Suite 200
King, NC 27021

VI Peels FAQ in King, NC

Why do my wrinkles look worse after chemical peel?

Answer: Chemical peels don’t cause wrinkles. The more you peel your skin, the better it looks but sometimes the swelling from a peel can distort the creases or skin for the 1st 3-4 months so be patient. The end results from peels are usually seen 3-4 months later as it tightens skin and builds collagen up with time.

Why am I not peeling with vi peel?

The amount of peeling usually depends on the type and strength of the peel. If there is no peeling after a Vi Peel, however, it may be due to failure to use the towelets as part of the post care. Peeling may vary, however, each time you get a peel. Sometimes, however, the peeling isn’t visible.

Does VI Peel stimulate collagen?

In addition to removing the damaged, top layer of skin, the VI Peel® also stimulates the natural production of collagen and elastin – two substances which are vital for healthy skin growth.

Does the VI Peel actually work?

A VI peel is not only safe and effective for all age groups, but it targets a variety of skin concerns ranging from fine lines and acne scarring to sun damage. Starting at the skin’s surface (aka, the top layer known as the epidermis), it works to refine your pores, control oil, and increase collagen production.

How often should you get a VI peel?

A VI Peel is a moderate-depth chemical peel that may improve your skin texture and improve signs of aging. It uses a blend of ingredients that include salicylic acid, TCA, and phenol. You can get a VI Peel as frequently as every 4 to 6 weeks, and it can be used on all skin types.

Why does my skin look wrinkly after a chemical peel?

The likely reason that the skin does not yet look normal after your peel is that you only had your peel 4 days prior–you are still peeling. The Vitalize peel is a modified Jessner’s peel which can cause much more peeling than say a glycolic acid or salicylic acid peel. Continue to moisturize regularly.

What happens if you don’t peel after a chemical peel?

Chemical peel not peeling at home following treatment? No worries! It doesn’t mean the peel’s not working. In fact, the healing process will vary from person to person and day to day.

What is the strongest chemical peel for face?

What Is the Deep Peel Like? The deep peel contains high concentrations of trichloroacetic acid, and it’s the most powerful of the chemical peels. While it produces more dramatic results than superficial or medium peels, it also requires a longer recovery time, and the procedure takes longer.

Can a VI Peel be applied under eyes?

The Vi Peel is effective for both the face and body, and is the only peel judged to be safe for use under and around the eye area.

At what age should you start getting chemical peels?

When it comes to chemical peels, you can start getting them in your late teens and twenties in order to treat acne, acne scarring, and early signs of sun damage. However, make sure that you communicate with Dr.

What is the best peel for aging skin?

A retinol peel is ideal if you want to rejuvenate, hydrate and refresh your complexion. If you have more specific skin concerns including acne or aging signs such as fine lines and wrinkles, then a retinol peel could be the perfect solution for you to reduce symptoms.