VI Peels Newhall CA

Find top doctors who perform VI Peels in Newhall, CA. Whether you’re seeking treatment or looking to schedule a preventative screening, we can connect you with the best dermatologists near you in Newhall, CA.

Local Businesses

Profiles Hair Salon

(661) 254-4458
23942 Lyons Ave
Newhall, CA 91321

Karl Norman Stein

Po Box 220340
Newhall, CA 91322

Sum Tran Inc

(661) 253-2211
23206 Lyons Ave Ste 201
Newhall, CA 91321

Tran, Sum – Sum Tran Inc

(661) 253-2211
23206 Lyons Ave Ste 201
Newhall, CA 91321

Mack Richard

(661) 644-3017
2118 Shattuck Ave
Newhall, CA 91321

Spa Prive

(661) 259-9160
24881 San Fernando Rd – Ste 106
Newhall, CA 91321

Cal-Way Insurance

(661) 222-9381
24355 Lyons Ave, #210
Newhall, CA 91321

Etcetera Medical Group

(661) 259-8884
24868 Apple St – Ste 202
Newhall, CA 91321

Faces Cosmetic Lazer Center

(661) 254-7400
3300 Webster St # 1106
Newhall, CA 91321

VI Peels FAQ in Newhall, CA

How many vi peels do you need to see results?

How long does it take to see results from VI Peel? For optimal results, generally a series of 3-4 VI Peel treatments are needed, however, many patients will see significant results with just one treatment. Peeling typically lasts 7 days and results are generally seen within a week once peeling has subsided.

What happens the day after VI Peel?

Patients can expect pain, redness, irritation, and flaking for about one week. Skin begins to peel after three days and continues to day seven. Normal activities can be resumed, but sun exposure and exercise should be avoided.

Why is my face not peeling after chemical peel?

Don’t worry most people expect to have some peeling after a peel but it really depends on the condition of your skin at the time of chemical peel whether you peel or not.

What should I avoid after VI Peel?

Do not wash, touch, or apply make-up and/or sunscreen for at least 4 – 6 hours while peel is on the skin. APPLY NOTHING. If you have excessive itching or irritation prior to this time period, you may wash the treated area with a mild cleanser and water. DO NOT rub with anything harsh such as a sponge or a washcloth.

What is the best peel for aging skin?

A retinol peel is ideal if you want to rejuvenate, hydrate and refresh your complexion. If you have more specific skin concerns including acne or aging signs such as fine lines and wrinkles, then a retinol peel could be the perfect solution for you to reduce symptoms.

Will VI Peel remove dark spots?

A Vi Peel can dramatically lessen the appearance of dark spots, age spots, sunspots and sun-damaged skin. Even if you have found the removal of these kinds of hyperpigmentation conditions a problem in the past, the Vi Peel will work wonders.

How can I speed up my peeling after a chemical peel?

Answer: Recovery after a chemical peel Unfortunately, there is no magic wand that will speed up the healing and peeling process after a chemical peel. I recommend you follow the instructions you received on gently cleansing your skin and keeping it hydrated as it recovers from the treatment.

How do you sleep with a VI peel?

The ViPeel solution should be left on the face for at least 8 hours and you must not be exposed to the sun. peel off one hour before bedtime that evening and apply the (Retine A/Vitamin C towelette) into the skin and sleep with it in the skin that first night.

How many chemical peels does it take to get rid of wrinkles?

You can wear makeup immediately after treatment or the next day. Additional peels may be repeated every two to five weeks until you achieve your desired results. Typically three to five peels are needed to achieve your goal.

What does your face look like 2 days after a chemical peel?

First few days – you may notice some dryness, irritation, and mild swelling. Two to Three days – your skin may look flaky or peel, and discolorations or imperfections may temporarily be more noticeable. Three to four days – you may breakout or notice skin looks tan or slightly darker than usual.